International partnerships

Foundation Lalla Salma on an official visit in WHO’s headquarters in Geneva
The Foundation Lalla Salma is aware that fighting cancer is a major stake at a global stage, that is the reason why since its creation, the Foundation Lalla Salma keeps on developing multiple partnerships with a plethora of international institutions, whether the corpus be corporate, scientific or associative. All these partnerships aim at positioning Morocco in a global reasoning pattern, mainly in the Middle East, Africa or America (scientific research, healthcare professionals’ training, reciprocation in experiences’ exchange…).
Since the very beginning of its activities, the Foundation Salla Salma
The WHO’s Representative Office in Morocco has been opened in 1986, aiming at the consolidation of the Central Offices of the Ministry of Health, particularly in terms of improvement of the administrators’ management skills, by providing the managers with training courses and the necessary equipment to achieve their projects. Then, and besides these consolidation measures, the biannual action plans were more directed towards an approach of "primary care" which answers the new requirements of the health policy, mainly by the bringing-in of the international expertise, the cross-border training of the national managers, the acquisition of high-tech material...
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the major grant-in-aid source for the global development of the needy population. Working closely with the governments and NGOs of more than 140 countries, the Fund supports all of the activities in favor of women, men or youth groups. In 1975, the UNFPA opened a Representative Office in Morocco.
King Hussein Foundation
The King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit foundation. Created in 1997 by Royal Decree, the Foundation fights cancer in Jordan and in the Middle East region. The KHCF is chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Ghida Talal, and is managed by Her Royal Highness Princess Dina Mired. Doctor Mahmoud Serhan is the Director of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation.
Operating since 2005, the InNaBioSanté Foundation Lalla Salma has for ambition to define, promote and finance any kind of cooperation leading to develop the scientific research and the industry in matter of healthcare and particularly in fighting cancer.
InNaBioSanté signed a convention on November 22nd, 2008, with the Foundation Lalla Salma in the presence of HRH princess Lalla Salma and of Mr. Philippe Douste-Blazy, President of the Foundation.
The National Cancer Institute coordinates the American National Program of Fight against Cancer. The NCI manages and supports the scientific research, the training, the circulation of the health policy information and that of the other programs linked to the cause, the diagnosis, the prevention, the cancer treatment, orthe constant care ministered to the patients and their relatives, as well as those helping out the patients return to normal.
CitiHopeInternational has the ambition to give everybody the same chances as to getting a healthy lifestyle, by promoting personal health practices, trying to prevent the diseases, and by supplying medicine everywhere needed in the world to the populations uneasy to access. CitiHope protects the values of stewardship, integrity and compassion through concrete actions carried out by men of faith.
CHU Vaudois Lausanneteaching hospital
The University hospital of Vaudois (CHUV) is one of the five teaching hospitals of Switzerland. Thanks to its collaboration with the Biology and Medicine Department of the University of Lausanne, the CHUV positions as a state-of-the-art hospital at the European level in terms of medical care, medical research and training.
Geneva teaching hospitals HUG
Operating everywhere in the Canton of Geneva, the HUG include four hospital complexes and about forty ambulatory structures which three main remits are to meet the population needs in terms of healthcare, to provide the adequate learning and teaching context to the healthcare professionals’ training, and finally to improve the clinical research.
The CIRC is an agency under the authority of the World Health Organization, which mission is to promote and to coordinate the interdisciplinary collaboration between countries and organizations in matter of cancer research. The CIRC pays attention to research particularly in low-income countries by establishing partnerships to help out the researchers of these countries.
Global Alliance against Cancer
Clinical Source Lausane
INCA (National Cancer Institute, France)
UICC (International Union Against Cancer)
FCA (Framework Convention Alliance)
Foundation Hospitals of Paris - France Hospitals