Who to turn to
By going to the right place, you will benefit from:
- a screening
- a diagnosis
- an appropriated treatment
You can go to:
- one of the different healthcare structures depending of the Ministry of Health (basic healthcare centers, reproductive health reference centers, hospitals, oncology centers)
- to the general practitioners or specialists, or private oncology centers
The national program of fight against cancer has been structured by the Ministry of Health following a process of easy access to healthcare on three levels, thus allowing to direct the patient towards the care structure adapted to his case.
- Level 1
Healthcare centers:
Totalizing more than 2,500 in the whole country, the healthcare centers provide consultations given by general practitioners and a full-time presence nurse. These healthcare professionals can answer all of your questions about cancer.
An awareness campaign on breast and cervix cancers is scheduled every year by the Foundation of Lalla Salma against Cancer. Take the opportunity to get a free screening in the public healthcare the closest to where you live.
General practices:
Do not hesitate to ask for advice and information to your family doctor who can redirect you after further examinations towards the adequate structure.
- Level 2
When the first examinations are carried out and after the study of your medical file by the general practitioner (level 1), your family doctor will direct you to the structure which will take over your case, to make complementary examinations (ultrasound, mammography, biopsy, radiology) and to have a first diagnosis made by a specialist (gynecologist, pulmonologist, urologist).
- District and province hospitals
- Specialists’ offices and private hospitals
- Reference centers of reproductive health (only breast and cervix cancers)
- Level 3
Once the diagnosis completed by a specialist, the treatment and the follow-up of the patient are taken over by the competent structure, equipped for that very purpose (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine).
- University hospitals
- Oncology regional centers
- Private ward cancer hospitals