International networks membership
The Foundation Lalla Salma, member of international networks
The Lalla Salma foundation against cancer participates actively in the global endeavor carried out by the international community so as to improve the patients’ care and develop the world expertise about themes connected to the fight against cancer.
Acting as the WHO’s Goodwill Ambassador for Cancer Care Promotion and Prevention, HRH Princess Lalla Salma works at positioning the fight against cancer as an international issue. The Foundation Lalla Salma participates in the international and regional meetings of the WHO. The Foundation is as well member of the International Union against Cancer (UICC) since 2006, and is currently chairing the Regional Alliance against cancer for the Oriental Mediterranean Sea. In 2008, the Foundation Lalla Salma also subscribed to the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA).
Act with the World Health Organization - WHO
Since the opening of the Foundation Lalla Salma, HRH Princess Lalla Salma is working hard at positioning the cause of the Foundation Lalla SAlma in an international context. Goodwill Ambassador of the World Health Organization for the Cancer Care Promotion and Prevention since 2006, HRH Princess Lalla Salma attends most of the international and regional meetings held by the WHO, thus making of Morocco a standard bearer of the fight against cancer in the region. The World Health Organization is a specialized institution of the United Nations, dedicated to healthcare and operating since April 7th, 1948. The WHO is the governing corpus having authority of guidance and coordination covering the healthcare matter and the inherent works having an international character within the United Nations System.
The Lalla Salma Foundation against Cancer is member since 2006 of the International Union against Cancer based in Geneva. Implemented in 1933, the UICC is the most important organization of its kind, with more than 400 member organizations stemming from 120 countries. The International Union against Cancer is in charge of the organization of two main global events, the World Campaign against Cancer and the World Cancer Congress. The knowledge transfer is part of UICC’s scope of works (including a scholarship financing program), as well as the support in strengthening the countries’ healthcare structures, and the development at an international scale of a common global advocacy to defend the world against cancer.
In September of 2008, the Foundation Lalla Salma adhered to the Framework Convention Alliance, thus subscribing to FCA’s ambition of living in a world with zero death zero disease due to tobacco.

EMRA against Cancer
EMRA against Cancer
Born on the initiative of the Foundation Lalla Salma against Cancer, the Alliance of the NGOs of the Oriental Mediterranean region fighting cancer, named «EMRA against Cancer», was created on November 22nd, 2007 with the support of the WHO. HRH Princess Lalla Salma chairs the organization as Honorary President. Gathering the NGOs of more than fifteen countries, EMRA against Cancer conveys the regional will which ambition is to bind together the foundations, the governmental organizations and the NGOs, the professional Foundations and the private groups fighting cancer in the oriental Mediterranean Sea region (EM). The mission of EMRA against Cancer is to work as an all-out effort tool, allowing interaction between the regional skills and expertise so as to achieve together concerted concrete operations.