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Officially launched on March 24th, 2010, the NCPCP listed up 78 operational measures to be applied in strategic domains such as prevention, early detection, therapeutic coverage, palliative care and patients’ follow-up conditions. This Program is the result of a strategic partnership between the Foundation Lalla Salma and the Ministry of Health, with the active participation of many national and international specialists.

Morocco set up a National Cancer Prevention and Control Plan (NCPCP). Led in close partnership with the Ministry of Health, the NCPCP subscribes to WHA 5822 resolution adopted in May of 2005 by the World Health Assembly, involving each Member State in the development of the fight against cancer, by implementing action plans adapted to the socioeconomic context of each country. Conveying the community spirit as a national humanitarian project, the NCPCP will certainly boost the whole chain of the healthcare system through a complementary combination of actions led by the professionals together with the patients and their relatives.

Real keystone of the Moroccan modern public-health policy, the NCPCP planned out a strategic program for the next decade.

The ambition of the NCPCP is to prevent and control all types of cancers through a multi-sectoral approach suggesting concrete and long-lasting concerted measures, to be readjusted if needed according to the priorities, and adapted to the socioeconomic and cultural contexts of the country.

The objective of this ambitious Plan is to reduce the cancer prevalence and the mortality rate, and to improve the patients’ quality of life as well as that of their relatives.

The Plan will pilot a rational and relevant use of the existing resources and will find out moreover the means to fill the gaps so as to better meet the patients’ needs.

The NCPCP is made of 78 operational measures that are modeled according to the targeted goals